BM thinks we got kicked off the blog, LMAO! No BM we did not get kicked off...we left because of people like you. Here is a comment BM left on her site....
And speaking of taking things too far, Dan over at Retroblog had to kick all of those nasty Kate haters to the curb! Apparently from what I'm told, the 5 ladies got soo bad and so nasty Dan got rid of them and blocked them from his blog. The tables are finally turning, thank goodness. Its nice to know that those like Nina & Lisa K. that think they can just about say ANYTHING, are being put in their places!
I feel for all blogs that have to remove Jon & Kate topics from their blogs. I was told that even the Gymboree blog had to remove the Jon & Kate topic board because it got so heated. Why does it have to get that nasty? Could someone please tell me what kind of people can say such horrible things by hiding behind a screen name! ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!
It's making me even that more excited to start off fresh with this new fan site!